
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

ANSA recap!

Hang in there everyone.  Today's #ANSA will be up tomorrow instead.  Week #26 is now live!  Can you believe that I've already met and interviewed 26 amazing people?!  The time has flown by and I can't tell you how much it means to me that I'm still able to write these each week without fail!  In case you missed are all of the previous 25 interviews.  All of these people have amazing lives and even more amazing books.  I highly recommend checking them out!

Week 1: S.M. Boyce
Week 2: Ricky
Week 3: C.M. Keller
Week 4: Melissa Pearl
Week 5: M.A. Leslie
Week 6: Heidi Ruby Miller
Week 7: JRD Skinner
Week 8: Martin Perry
Week 9: Angel A. Walker
Week 10: John Lawson
Week 11: Jesse VanDeWalker
Week 12: Larry Peterson
Week 13: Judah Lee Davis
Week 14: Leslie Davis Guccione
Week 15: V. L. Locey
Week 16: Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali
Week 17: R.G. Lawrence
Week 18: Stephen Winterflood
Week 19: Jonathon D. Fluck
Week 20: Scott Roche
Week 21: Jason Gale
Week 22: Deanna M. Julbe
Week 23: Tim Miller
Week 24: Robert Zimmermann
Week 25: Jason Scott Sharp

Who is/was your favorite so far (as if you can pick just one right)?  Follow each one on Twitter, Facebook, or through their websites to stay up-to-date on their latest work AND to meet some incredible people!  Have an author to nominate?  Send me a message, leave a comment, tweet me...with the authors name and how to contact them.   Happy #ANSA recap day!

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