
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Review Day: Deception

It's Review Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Deception (Dr. Steven Dunbar Bk 2)
Author: Ken McClure
My Rating: 5 stars!

Book Blurb:
When GM crops are this year's scapegoat, what horrors hide behind them? Ken McClure has written another classic novel of science and medicine. DECEPTION will raise him to the very peak of the genre. The rats raised the alarm...In a village outside Edinburgh, there is doubt that a genetically modified crop which is being grown is actually the one licensed by the government. Steven Dunbar, and medical investigator with the Sci-Med Inspectorate, is sent to investigate, but finds that the farmer who made the complaints, Thomas Rafferty, is a well known drunk. Rafferty has also applied for accreditation as an organic farmer, with the backing of two 'venture capitalists' - who turn out to be ex-SAS, and possibly still working for the government in some capacity. As Steven investigates further his life comes under threat, as does the survival of the village, and he must band together with his few allies to solve the mystery of the original complaint and the ever-larger picture which slowly becomes clearer...

My Review:
Another incredible thriller by Ken McClure! The second book in the Dr. Steven Dunbar series, this novel is absolutely amazing!  I loved every second of it, just as much as I loved the first one.  The series is living up to my expectations and more.  I was afraid after such a strong first book the series would become boring or redundant...considering it is always another medical thriller/mystery every time.... BUT I was so happy it didn't!

Some characters remained from the first book, including some side characters, and the two books definitely tie together.  I don't want to say how or who because that would spoil it wayyy too much. hehe!  If you enjoyed the first one, definitely give the second one a read.  It is worth your time for sure!!  This is definitely on my "top fav series" list.

I plan to read the third one within the next couple weeks as well.  Review to follow.  Read the book one's review here.  Pick up a copy of Deception on Amazon.  Happy Reading!

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