
Monday, May 27, 2013

Pipe Dreams - Coming Soon!

It is my pleasure to introduce Pipe Dreams by Destiny Allison to you guys!!  The novel will be out on June 3, 2012.

Book Blurb:
Beneath the park bench, a young girl cries for help, her voice a cold hand on Vanessa’s throat.  “Please,” the girl whispers, a  tear trickling down her battered face. Vanessa glances at the empty square. A piece of trash tumbles. A bird settles in a tree. Then there is silence — no voice, no wind, no movement. It’s as if the world is waiting. The naked girl is desperate, but compassion for the Fallen is never forgiven.
Vanessa’s hesitation is her undoing. Unbeknownst to her, Lewis is still haunted by her thick, auburn hair, serious eyes, and mocking laughter. She is the symbol of all he hates and her interaction with the girl is just what he needs to gain control of the virus. Originally developed to save mankind from itself, the virus can be used to create a slave race. When it is released, Lewis will have his revenge.
As his plan unfolds, Vanessa is forced to flee.  Escaping through the sewer, she finds love, heartbreak, and the red beam of a gun sight dancing on the slick, black wall.  In the deep dark of the foul pipe, she also discovers she has been betrayed. That’s when she learns Texas is real.
Pipe Dreams is a dystopian novel set in the near future. If gene splicing could merge Margaret Atwood and Suzanne Collins, the resulting author might write this book.
About the Author, Destiny Allison:
Destiny Allison is an award winning sculptor, businesswoman, and community builder, although writing was her first love. Last year, she published Shaping Destiny: A quest for meaning in art and life. The non-fiction work is a memoir. In it, Allison reveals the truth that life is art. The memoir is a book Allison felt she had to write.
As her passion for the written word evolves, she is writing what she loves. Pipe Dreams is her fiction debut (to be released in June, 2013), and other fictional works are soon to follow.
Unlike many authors, Allison does not believe in pen names. She knows this could get her in some trouble with her readers, but strongly believes that we have to be who and what we are.
Allison lives in Santa Fe, NM with her husband and dogs, alternately missing and celebrating her three grown sons.
Reserve a copy of Pipe Dreams on Amazon25% of sales for this book will go toward helping other authors and artists achieve their dreams.  Keep up with Destiny Allison on her website, Facebook and Twitter.  Happy Reading!

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