
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Blogiversary Games!!

Welcome to the Blogiversary Games!  Below are the instructions for two different types of games, one on Facebook and one on Twitter (sorry, these are for social media only).  The approximate times of the games are located next to the type of game.

Scavenger Hunt:

Click on all of the links, one at a time, and answer the questions.  When you think you have the correct answers to all of the questions, email me with “Scavenger Hunt” as the subject (no spam!).  If all of your answers are correct, you will be put into a drawing for a prize.  You can enter both levels, but only one time for each level.  Anyone who enters more than one time will be warned once, and then disqualified if it occurs a second time.  The winner will be announced on Monday, Sept. 3rd.

See your site or name on the list?  That's okay! You can still enter! That just means that question is a feebie to you!

The winners are.... Scott R and Robert Z!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

Level 1: Easy - Robert Z.
Stop #1
Novel d’Tales - In what year did HilyBee receive her first Kindle?

Stop #2
A Life Among the Pages - What does Rob write?

Stop #3
Flash Pulp - Flash Pulp resembles what year(s) in radio and magazine?

Stop #4
S.M.Boyce The Blog! - What series is S.M. currently writing?

Stop #5
TARatliff - Troy’s art titled “Sweet Dreams” is a _____ on fire.

Level 2: Medium - Scott R.
Stop #1
Writers-Unite - On the Writers-Unite forums, you can “Ask _______” any question about the site and more.

Stop #2
The Angel Chronicles Blog - Who are the two main characters in the series?

Stop #3
Tribute Books - How many people work for Tribute Books?

Stop #4
Borsa Bella Designs - Who started Borsa Bella?

Stop #5
BookishBlurb - Who is the lady behind BookishBlurb? (Hint: I want her real name.)

Twitter Hangman:
To play, you need a Twitter account and to follow @HilyBee.  I will give a theme, a level of difficulty and show you the puzzle.  I will then say *START* and the game will begin.  Everyone who is participating will begin guessing letters.  We do not take turns guessing, so guess away!  I will stop everyone from guessing when only 4 letters are left (not blanks).  Any guesses after I say *No more letters, please guess the phrase* will not count.  If your letter has already been guessed, I will tell you and say guess again.  I will update the puzzle as fast as possible, so make sure you watch the #TwitterHangman OR my tweets during the game.  The games go by fast, so make sure you're paying attention and actively participating.  In the event of a tie, there will be a tie breaker puzzle.  This is so much fun for everyone, so have a blast and good luck!

All Twitter Hangman games will be on Sunday (Sept 2) night beginning around 7pm EST and continuing on Monday morning (Sept 3).

Good Luck Everyone!  Happy Blogiversary Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea, Hilary! Hope everyone enjoyed your Blogiversary :)


Thank you so much for leaving a comment AND for coming by my blog! I will answer you back as soon as I can. Please know that I will not allow anything *spammy* to be published.