
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Blogiversary Giveaway!!!

Thank you everyone so so much for filling the past year with fun, new friends, new books and so much more.  I can't tell you all how much it means to me!  So to thank you... I've teamed up with some incredible authors to bring you a massive giveaway!!  Below is all the information.  Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Prize Pack 1 - CJ L.
  1. Many Genres by Heidi Ruby Miller
  2. Greenshift by H.R. Miller
  3. Ambasadora by H.R. Miller
  4. Hazard Yet Forward by H.R. Miller
  5. 66 Twisted Tales by H.R. Miller
  6. Flight in Blue by Anna Howard   
  7. Spectral by Shannon Duffy
  8. Silver Linings by Kate James

Prize Pack 2 - Brian B.
  1. Until Next Time by Amy Lignor
  2. Not the Norm by Becca Campbell
  3. Color of Snow by Brenda Stanely
  4. Goat Herder (paperback) by V.L. Locey
  5. Sign of the Times by Susan Buchanan

Prize Pack 3 - Richelle M.S.
  1. Ginnie Dare by Scott Roche
  2. Litchgates by S.M. Boyce
  3. Foreign Identity by Becca Campbell
  4. Not Even There by Jason Sharp
  5. Speak Your Heart (paperback) by Deanna Julbe

Contest specifics...
  • You must be at least 18 y.o. or older to enter OR have permission to enter the contest.  I will need a mailing address AND email address from all three of the winners.
  • The winner(s) will have ONE WEEK to claim their prize after the winner(s) are announced.  If they do not claim their prizes, a new winner will be chosen in their place.
  • Prize packs will also include surprise gifts from me (HilyBee) that will either be mailed or through email.  These gifts will not be the same for all three winners as I will be hand selecting the gifts for the person, however it will be the same amount of money spent on each person.
  • Winners will be chosen by the Rafflecopter form, not by me.
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Facebook to participate even more in the party!  Happy Blogiversary Day!


  1. I cannot believe it's been a year! Congratulations and thanks for a cool contest

  2. I loved the post that had quick tips on rating ebooks..and I'm super happy that you added Nook books into the mix too! :)

  3. To be honest I don't have a favorite post. But I did recently read your post on organizing ereaders. I went through my kindle and organized some things after reading it and it's helped (especially sorting out my review books).

    So many great posts to choose from here on Novel d'Tales!!!

  4. Thank you Rob! :D I liked that one too.

  5. Congrats on a year!! I love the format of your blog and the tips for Kindle users (esp the lending because not everyone knows about that!!)
    Favorite animal is a dragon?! Just a guess! I hope it's a frog though because I love frogs!!

  6. Rikki - Not a dragon or a frog, although I dragons are def my fav mythical animal. :) Frogs are so slimy but cute!

  7. A giraffe? My favorite posts are your Authors-Not-So-Anonymous (especially your very first one with Boyce!) because it's great to see the people behind the books I love.

    Do you know...that you're an awesome person and I don't comment on your blog nearly enough?


  8. Aww... Thank you CJ! I love the ANSA posts too. :)

  9. Happy Blogiversary, Hilary and congratulations to all the winners :)


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