
Monday, September 10, 2012

Review Day: Pledged!

It's Review Day!!!!!!!!!

Title: Pledged
Author: Gwynneth White
My Rating: 5 stars

Everyone has a soul mate. But what do you do when your soul mate would rather give his soul to the demons than be with you? 

Seventeen-year-old Erin has a problem. Seth has been hers forever, but now an ancient promise is tearing him away. And Reuel, the demon to whom the promise was made, will stop at nothing to force Seth to forsake Erin and to worship him.

How can Erin win against a pledge so binding that it has damned countless others to the same fate she and Seth will face if Reuel wins – an eternity alone?

The answer lies in the past. To find it, Erin and Seth must risk all, travelling back in time to a dangerous world where love is forbidden, and life – and death – hang on a promise. 

Follow Erin and Seth as they travel to ancient Shenaya to break the pledge that has plagued their families for millennia. Caught in a war between the Angelic Guardians and the Gefallen, the disembodied dead, they must fight to keep their souls in tact and their love untainted. (end)

My review...

Pledged is absolutely brilliant.  The chemistry between Seth and Erin is perfect, sweet, innocent and passionate.  They love each other with such a depth that only true soul-mates have.  I was blown away by how quickly their relationship developed.  The two seemed like two people who've known each other their entire lives.  They fit together so perfectly and so effortlessly that it's beautiful.  They make very amazing characters.  The other characters in the novel were just as amazing.  I love them all, even the scary ones!

The plot was incredible.  I loved all the twists thrown in and the mixed genres of fantasy, suspense, romance, and YA.  Gwynn's writing style is clean, fast paced, but detailed.  She didn't leave out any details that were necessary in the story, but she also didn't over do the detail.  She wrote with true passion that seeps off the pages.  Every last part of Pledged was planned out perfectly and pieced together very well.  This novel will quickly gain the hearts of many readers (you too boys).  I could see this novel easily turning into a movie.  

Why 5 stars?  The characters were definitely my favorite part, but the plot, Gwynn's writing style and the entire novel was incredible.  I wouldn't have changed a single thing!  I highly recommend this novel to anyone who loves the Angle Chronicles by Amy Lignor, The Color of Snow by Brenda Stanley, any of Sarah Dessen's novels, or loves YA novels with a twist.  I've added this one to my favorites list!

Because I love this novel so much...I have a special treat for you!  Gwynn and I are holding a giveaway!  One lucky person will win their very own copy of Pledged!  Enter the giveaway using the form below.  The giveaway has ended!  Congratulations to the winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck to everyone who enters!  Happy Review Day!


  1. Nice review, and what a pretty cover! It really sparkles.


  2. I love the cover, too!

    One of my favorite YA novels is Reflection by Jessica Roberts. :)

  3. Thank you CJ and Jennifer - The cover is very eye catching and gorgeous!

  4. Looks like a great book. But you always seem to feature great ones :)

    As for the question of favorite YA novel...I can't really choose. There are so many great ones out there, especially since I read around many genres.

  5. I love your book.

    To answer my favorite YA novel is...

    House of Night series.

  6. Great review!

    Thanks for the giveaway. My favorite YA novel is Pushing the Limits.



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