
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

ANSA #36

Welcome everyone to the thirty-sixth Authors Not-So-Anonymous weekly meeting!! This weekly series is about authors from Twitter and Facebook!  This week, I would like to introduce Cinsearae Santiago. into Authors Not-So-Anonymous!

Cinsearae is an adult author who began writing in the third grade with short stories.  "It was a simple assignment, to make up a short story using the vocabulary words we were given for that week.  There were only a few lines on the page we had to fill, but I kept on going, flipping the paper over and continuing until I had the entire side covered in my scribble.  The next day, I saw that the teacher had rewritten my story on one of those ginormous pieces of paper often used in most elementary schools, with “A++ Superior!” written across it.  When my classmates realized it was mine, I got quite a few dirty looks.  I was happy for the grade, but embarrassed just the same.  I was already an outcast in school as it was."

After that exciting yet traumatic experience, she kept the majority of her writing tucked away until her freshmen year of college in the 90s.  "I decided to let some of my writing see the light of day and tried my hand at submitting my poetry and short stories to small press magazines. While doing this, there were hits and misses, and the waiting process was pretty frustrating as it was, not to mention the arrogant, high-and-mighty attitudes of some of the editors. When I started learning more and more about writers such as myself having a hard time with getting their work published, it fueled the fire to start my own magazine, “Dark Gothic”, to help those same writers and myself."  She printed and stapled each copy herself.  After a two year hiatus, Dark Gothic was revived and renamed "Dark Gothic Resurrected."

Cinsearae continued to write novellas and novels all while writing Dark Gothic Resurrected.  She had a few short stories published traditionally, but then to her dismay the publishing company went under.  "I now have one horror novel published traditionally through Black Bed Sheet Books, and some short stories in a few anthologies, but I’m predominantly self-published."  She was inspired by Stephen King's Pet Semetary   "King has always been a huge inspiration to me, as many of his fans will know he did not have it easy on the road to becoming where he is today."

A little more about Cinsearae...
"Aside from writing, and having the magazine, I’m also an award-winning cover designer for Damnation Books and independent/traditional authors. I also love creating things, which was why I opened my Etsy shop, Mistress Rae's Decadent Designs. I create one-of-a-kind horror/gothic dolls, insect/steampunk/gothic-inspired jewelry, hair accessories, and unique gift items. I love Halloween, and I’m a big Vincent Price/Tim Burton/Johnny Depp fan. I have two crazy rat terriers named Hades and Chaos, and I’m grateful to have a loving a supportive husband who doesn’t mind my quirks—heck, some of his quirks are even stranger than mine, lol!"

She recently released Diary of a Vampire Stripper.  Click here to read excerpts, see upcoming tour dates,  giveaways, read the opening chapters, and even the teaser trailer for Part II!

UPDATE: Cinsearae has decide to have a giveaway!!  There will only be ONE winner, but there are three prizes for that winner.  Enter using the form below.  Good luck!  The picture on the right is what the *surprise* items could be from her shop.  The giveaway has ended!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow Cinsearae on Twitter!  Have an author to nominate?  Send me a message via Twitter (#ANSA), Facebook, or leave a comment with the author(s) name and contact information.  I'd love to add new members!  Happy Reading!


  1. I don't have plans for Halloween yet. I don't normally do anything though. I live too far from civilization or anyone my age to even have a party.

    Maybe I'll just read some good horror stories :D

  2. That sounds like a good plan too!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment AND for coming by my blog! I will answer you back as soon as I can. Please know that I will not allow anything *spammy* to be published.