
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Review Day: Life Lessons from the Heart

It's Review Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today's novel is for all those days when you wish something would have gone differently, but you didn't know how to change it.

Title: Life Lessons from the Heart
Author: Teresa Morrow
Rating: 4 stars

Does life at times seem to be filled with disappointment, hardship and overwhelm?
Life is a precious gift you have been given and there are lessons in all experiences that life gives to you.
In, Life Lessons from the Heart, the author shares her experiences of hard times and how she was able to work through them. She tells how she became appreciative of even the toughest of times such as the death of her mom, a divorce with the father of her child, getting disowned by her father for dating a man of a different race, and her husband’s heart attack.
The author reveals how she finds life’s beauty even when life throws in scary, sad or unfortunate events. She shares how she discovered that life is rich in community and saturated in love. She offers ways where you can go on to live a richer, happier and more fulfilled life that breeds from your true authentic self.
This book shares stories and insight on how to:
~realize the importance of celebrating who you are (just as you are now)
~release the grip of having to be right and in control
~end the feeling of self doubt
~embrace and find time to do the things you love to do
~and much more…
If you are someone who feels stuck in your life and wish to turn it around reading “Life Lessons from the Heart” will give you inspiration and motivation to live a life coming from a place of forgiveness, surrender, patience, self love and self care.

Life Lessons from the Heart has twelve chapters, each one comprised of a different lesson.  Each chapter includes a *life lesson*, a morale, and a story from Teresa's life.  Smashwords has labeled this novel as "inspiration" and "general self-help" - well I'm here to tell you it is definitely inspirational and has some very helpful lessons.  This novel can be read at any age and still be helpful.  The lessons include - remember to love yourself, give up control when you can't control something, go outside the 'box', shed the past to move on, and so much more.  These are lessons that people of every age group are constantly battling, and always need help with.

Teresa Morrow did a wonderful job of teaching you a lesson without it feeling too much like a "self-help" book.  She gives you stories to back up each lesson and shows how even the smallest of changes can have the biggest impact.  Her writing style and overall theme to this novel were well thought out and developed.  Teresa's stories are charming and real.  She shares real-life situations with her readers, showing that everyone goes through ups and downs in their lives.  Teresa makes the reader feel comfortable and safe, all the while making their brains work - "I wonder how I can use this in my life..." and "hm...she's got a point!" were several thoughts I had.  She addresses twelve very key aspects in life that are the most troubling and un-ties them with ease.

I recommend this novel to everyone.  It will make you think about life situations in a completely new way without feeling as if you read a "self-help" book.  Life Lessons from the Heart can be purchased from Smashwords for Kindle, Nook, Sony, Kobo, and any other eReaders.  Want more lessons from Teresa?  Read Three Lessons to a Happier Life for free!  Happy Life Lessons day!

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