
Monday, July 9, 2012

Indie Week!!

Welcome everyone to Indie Week!!

Indie Week is an event occuring over on my friend Rob's blog, A Life Among The Pages.  Basically from July 8-14 his blog will be dedicated to nothing but Indie authors.  There will be guest posts, giveaways, Indies We Love posts, and so much more.  For a schedule of what is going on, click here.  Spread the word about this event!  There are so many people participating in this event (some you have even seen on Novel d'Tales).  I'm so glad Rob decided to have this entire week event and I know it has been hard work but sooooo much fun for him to put it together, so go over and support his hard work and the Indies!

Seriously?  What are you waiting for?!  There is something for everyone!  Authors, bloggers, reader, book lovers... GO NOW!

Why are you still here?  Get off my blog and go to his (but come back later or I might get lonely).

Happy Indie Week!!!

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