
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Authors Not-So-Anonymous Week #27

Welcome everyone to the twenty-seventh Authors Not-So-Anonymous weekly meeting!! This weekly series is about authors from Twitter and Facebook!  This week, I would like to introduce Stephanie Lennox into Authors Not-So-Anonymous!

Stephanie Lennox lives in London, is the co-owner/creator of Writers Unite, and a young adult author.  She specializes in romance and thrillers - "I feel that an aspect of romance should be a given in any story, in some form or another. It is one of the most basic, relatable human emotions - so even when I'm trying to hook readers with the action and suspense in my novels, there is always an underlying romantic theme."  Stephanie began writing at the very young age of seven.  She studied creative writing at University and has used her skills to help others become successful.

Stephanie is constantly inspired by the underdog situations and people.  "I'm inspired by the people and the things in this world that you wouldn't usually hear about.  The people that society like to ignore because they don't fit a certain mold, or the small things in life that we all experience, but seem too insignificant to talk about.  I think that's what art is all about - seeing the beauty and the meaning in things that others might have missed."  She is a truly inspiring woman when you talk to her.  I always love hearing her perspective on something.

A perfect example of Stephanie's keen eye for something different is in her novel.  "My all time favourite novel is called, "The Raging Quiet" by Sherryl Jordan.  It's about Marnie, a courageous young woman, and Raver, a strange and spirited young man - whose only real crimes are that they are different."  She also loves novels by Haruki Murakami, Paulo Coehlo, and Tom Rob Smith.

Stephanie Lennox has written over 160 stories, poems and plays throughout her lifetime, and studied Creative Writing at Oxford University. Her debut novel, "I Don't Remember You" was long-listed for the Polari First Book Prize in 2011, promoted in publications such as the Guardian newspaper and TimeOut on numerous occasions, and won her a VFifty award for its humanitarian ideals. She also created Creative Writing courses online for the well-known SAE University, but is now working full time at Writers Unite.
"I Don't Remember You" is the story of a sporty, outgoing girl named Becca Jameson, who's life suddenly gets put on hold as she recovers from a horrific car accident. With the help of her brother Harry, her life soon clambers back onto the right track, however, after a while a peculiar girl stumbles back onto the scene, someone that Becca can't recall at all. She finally realises that a huge chunk of her life is missing from her memory, and she becomes obsessed with trying to get the many things back that she has lost.

On the other hand lies a bookish and shy teenager Jasmine Grant, who has been ripped up inside from grief in the months Becca has been away from her. Apart from her father, her cries are ignored- because what seems like a friendly neighbourhood town to most eyes, is actually a homophobic dictatorship run by none other than Becca's mother, a religious figure in the community.

The book concentrates on Jasmine's fear of society and the courage she has to gather to regain everything she's ever wanted, despite her almost crippling shyness.(end)

Her latest work-in-progress is a thriller-memoir with the working title of "Evita", which will be 80,000 words on completion in 2013 - but has already been hailed by an Oxford Professor as: "Unusually good...darn good reading!"

Connect with Stephanie Lennox on Writers-Unite or Twitter.  Have an author to nominate?  Send me a message via Twitter or leave a comment with the author(s) name and contact informaiton.  I'd love to add new members!  Happy Reading!


  1. Hilary, thank you so much for having me on your blog! I really appreciate it, and I'm deeply honoured. You remain one of my closest friends, virtual and non-virtual! :)

  2. Good to see the 'other' face behind Writer's Unite! I understand about wanting to be in the anonymous crowd, I think most writers are quiet and hidden people. I have had to learn to pull myself out and your site helped me with that. I was a guest speaker, and believe me nervous about it, but I did it! Congrats on your book, it sounds very intreguing! See you in Writer's Unite!

  3. Nice piece, Stephanie, and a pleasure to get to know you and your work. Best wishes for continued success!

  4. You're a very talented woman, Stephanie. I enjoyed reading about you.

  5. Well done Stephanie, liked the concept of your novel. Keep up the great work and well done with this interview. Best of luck.

  6. Its great to see Stephanie's interview and such wonderful insights about her books and work. I am a member of Writers Unite, and its a pleasure to come to know about Stephanie's works finally. Keep up the good work Stephanie :-) P Roy

  7. Hi Stephanie, can't wait for the release of 'Evita'. Keep up the good work!

  8. Hi Stephanie, can't wait for the release of 'Evita'. Keep up the good work!!

  9. Hi Stephanie, can't wait for the release of 'Evita'. Keep up the good work!!

  10. What an amazing synposis!!! It definitely looks like a must read!!!!!

  11. Steph, This really sounds awesome. I would love to read this story. It's a twist on amnesia and Ilove the small town politics here.
    Wishing you the best with this story.

  12. Fabulous interview! "I Don't Remember You" sounds terrific. Best of luck with "Evita" and with all of your projects!

  13. Stephanie, you're very welcome! It was my pleasure to have you dear! <3

    Thank you everyone for stopping by! I'm so glad you were able to get to know Stephanie a little bit better. :)

  14. Nice to get to know you, Stephanie. Continued success with your writing and thanks for all you do to encourage literature!

  15. Very nice to get to know you a little, Stephanie. Continued success with your endeavors--and thanks for your efforts in advancing literature!

  16. This book is gripping and sooo brilliant, the tale of two modern lovers. Separated by amnesia. Your definitely one talanted young, inspiration author who I can not wait to read other books, plays or stories. Well done :D xxx


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