Yay!! Here's the review!! No more delays!
Title: Of Gods & Goats
Author: V.L. Locey
Rating: 4 stars

Not Even The Old Farmer`s Almanac Could Have Predicted This!
I used to have a tranquil life in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania. It was just me, my dog and cat (the ones with the wizarding monikers) a watch steer, three dairy goats and a flock of chickens. That was before that thunderstorm of all thunderstorms blew over my twelve acres of rural serenity and dropped one hell of a celestial body into my goat barn and my placid lifestyle
And to think, Libby Simons used to be known as ‘That goat-lady on the hill’ by her unique and very rural friends and neighbors. Now I`m known as the woman with that very odd ‘bison’ and a farm-hand who can lift a Hereford over his head and not break a sweat! Long gone are the quiet days and oh-so-lonely nights I used to know.
I`m fighting to not only keep the knowledge that gods do exist from hitting the town paper, but I`m also squaring off against the very beings that reside up yonder (And I don`t mean Canadian`s) while trying to figure out if a farm girl like me and a war mongering god like Ares should act on the rather toasty impulses we both have.
My Review:
Of Gods & Goats is hilarious, romantic and chocked full of mythology. The main character, Libby Simons, is a simple mid thirties woman living on a farm by herself. She lost her husband Matt in a tragic accident some years ago, and has continued living her life as they had planned to. One night a giant storm hits, and the god Ares lands on the roof of her barn - butt sticking in throw the roof. She has no idea who this guy is, how he got up there, or why he keeps talking so funny - but she knows he's different. When a second god shows up and tells Libby what is going on, the question becomes will she believe the story or just ignore them?
The entire novel is absolutely hilarious. Libby is sarcastic, country, and lovable. She is the perfect main character for this novel. The various gods featured in the book are also perfect representations of what I think the gods would have been like as well - strong, beyond belief tall, incredible hansom/beautiful, and of course gods. V.L. did an incredible job of constructing the characters and creating a crew that is not only lovable but believable.
I was a little worried this story would be predictable, but it wasn't by any means. The story rises and falls appropriately, but also keeps you guessing as to what the final outcome will be. I loved getting to know the characters and of course all of the animals. The animals played a big part in the book, since Libby is a farmer. Fun fact - V.L. also has a farm and has goats. The animal details were incredible! I learned so much I didn't know about them while loving the story.
About V.L. Locey:
I spent a long time searching for a way to get those voices out of my head. Who knew it would be as simple as putting pen to paper?! I took a fiction writing course, spent hours penning fan fiction, which I still love, and then decided to take the next step. With my husband of over twenty years, my daughter and my friends and family behind me, I`m now getting ready to release my first novel! And all of this over the age of forty! Life is good!
Keep up with V.L. Locey on her blog - one of my favs! - by clicking here. Happy Review Day!
Thank you so much for the review, Hily. I`m very happy to hear you enjoyed the first book of the trilogy. I do have a thang for sexy Greek gods! *Winks*
hehe. You're welcome V.L.! Yes you do. ;)
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