
Friday, July 19, 2013

Review Day: In Stone

It's Review Day!!!!

Title: In Stone
Author: Louise D. Gornall
My Rating: 4 stars

Book Blurb:
Beau Bailey is suffering from a post-break-up meltdown when she happens across a knife in her local park and takes it home. Less than a week later, the new boy in school has her trapped in an alley; he’s sprouted horns and is going to kill Beau unless she hands over the knife. Until Eighteenth-century gargoyle, Jack, shows up to save her.

Jack has woken from a century-long slumber to tell Beau that she’s unwittingly been drafted into a power struggle between two immortal races: Demons and Gargoyles. The knife is the only one in existence capable of killing immortals and they’ll tear the world apart to get it back. To draw the warring immortals away from her home, Beau goes with Jack in search of the mind-bending realm known as the Underworld, a place where they’ll hopefully be able to destroy the knife and prevent all hell from breaking loose. That is, provided they can outrun the demons chasing them.

My Review:
A fascinating YA novel about Gargoyles, Demons, the Underworld, Purgatory, high school and more.  I was hooked from the first page and loved reading this one.  With under 200 pages, this is a great summer/beach book - just long enough to get a great story but not super long.  I loved Beau - a strong, independent, courageous, female character that many young women would be inspired by.  She was very intelligent and quick thinking, yet she was also down-to-Earth.  I also liked Jack - the "main" Gargoyle that helped Beau throughout the story.  He was a perfect fit for miss Beau.

After a while, I was able to predict what was going to happen.  I'm not sure if this is because I read a ton from the YA/paranormal/romance type of genre or if it was apparent to everyone else.  I also felt like the ending was just okay.  I liked it for the most part, but was really hoping for a few more answers to my questions as well.  Overall, this novel was very good!  I definitely recommend it to those readers (age 13+) who like the paranormal, light romance, YA series.  I hope there is a sequel!

Pick up a copy of In Stone on Amazon!  Happy Review Day!!

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