
Friday, March 15, 2013

Review Day: Tomorrow's Dead

It's Review Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Tomorrow's Dead
Author: Celis T. Rono
My Rating: 4 stars

Book Blurb:
Downtown Los Angeles is on the mend. An alliance of revolutionary vampires and humans has freed blood slaves, wiped out master vampires that ruled by fear, and is bringing the city back to life. Kaleb Sainvire's goals have been met, but he is miserable. In this third novel of the Julia Poe Vampire Chronicles, Sainvire lures Julia Poe back from her early retirement on Catalina Island to take on vampire threats from San Diego, San Francisco, and even within his own ranks. Still shaken from a shot in the heart a year ago, Poe is not ready to unite Downtown factions or face Sainvire again. However, she has little choice in the matter and must wipe up the mess around her.

My Review:
Tomorrow's Dead is a post-apocalyptic vampire novel.  It is the first book in the Julia Poe series by Celis T. Rono.  I really enjoyed reading this novel.  Normally, vampire novels are just all the same to me - main character is either a vampire or vampire hunter, turmoil takes place, vampires and humans try to integrate, another struggle occurs, etc.  It always seems to be the same basic story, but the Julia Poe series didn't feel the same.  It was placed in a post-apocalyptic U.S. where Julia Poe (main character) was a hero for freeing humans and cleaning up the streets.  She retires to Catalina, a small island, with her dog Penny.  When she is asked to return to the mainland to help with the new city being formed, she acceptsPoe is overwhelmed with how many people remember her face and how willing they are to talk to her about everything.  The story of course gets much more intense and twists like crazy.  I thoroughly enjoyed the E.A. Poe references and  the extra layers of drama and mystery thrown into the story.  It felt like a mystery and post-apocalyptic novel that just happened to have vampires, undead, humans and more in it.  This is exactly the type of "vampire" novel I have been searching for.  Finally something that breaks the mold!  The story moves at a perfect pace.  It got my attention immediately and kept it until the very end.  I hope to read more of the series.  The characters were absolutely perfect and made the story so creative and different.  I highly recommend this novel to everyone, give it a chance vampires haters!!  You too will enjoy this book.

Pick up a copy of Tomorrow's Dead book 1 in the Julia Poe series on Amazon in paperback or Kindle ebook.  Happy Reading!!

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