
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

ANSA: Scott Thomas

WELCOME to another meeting of ANSA!  Scott Thomas is taking us on a tour of his writing career and novel.

Scott Thomas is a author of many genres - science fiction, supernatural/ghost stories, and fantasy.   "Primarily I think of myself as a ghost story author or writer of supernatural tales. But, I also have written a fantasy novel FELLENGREY and a fantasy collection called WESTERMEAD. I have also been known to write science fiction.  Some of my work could be called dark fantasy, I suppose, and some work may be described as straddling more than one genre."  He loves old houses, cats, New England, writing poetry, fiction and being an artisit.

He began writing at a young age with his own comic books.  "You could say it began with comic books I wrote and drew. I remember one in particular that I worked on for years, from when I was in the 5th grade on up to 1976 or 1977. In terms of actual fiction, I was writing as far back as 1971 or 1972 when I was 11 or 12-years-old. It’s continued from there on up to the present."  How cool is that?! Comic books first, then novels.

Scott's brother Jeffrey inspired him to write.  "My older brother Jeffrey is the person who really inspired my interest in actually writing fiction, though I always seem to have had a passion for making stories in some form or other. Jeffrey’s writing impressed me, and I began writing following his lead and largely to try to impress him and gain his approval. Jeffrey remains an inspiration to this day, of course! He’s a consummate writer, a brilliant author who should be making the kind of money that dreadful hacks like Danielle Steel (etc.) make. There have been others who have inspired me along the way, authors like Dylan Thomas, the brilliant singer/lyricist/poet Robin Williamson, M.R. James and others. Things that inspire me? New England and the natural world, the past."  Siblings and family are the best sources for inspiration.

Scott loves to read his brother Jeffrey's work, but also those of other authors.  "Authors I love include Dylan Thomas, M.R. James, Lovecraft, Truman Capote, H. Russell Wakefield, Poe, Dickens, Thomas Hardy. I largely like my authors dead, it seems! Living authors that impress me are my brother Jeffrey, Wilum H. Pugmire, Thomas Harris, Jeff VanderMeer."  His favorite novels are by his brother Jeffrey and Peter Blatty’s LEGION."

Here is Scott's official bio... "I am the author of 8 short story collections which include URN AND WILLOW, QUILL AND CANDLE, MIDNIGHT IN NEW ENGLAND, WESTERMEAD, THE GARDEN OF GHOSTS, and OVER THE DARKENING FIELDS. I am also the author of the fantasy novel FELLENGREY.  I have seen print in numerous anthologies, such as THE YEAR’S BEST FANTASY AND HORROR #15, THE YEAR’S BEST HORROR #22, THE GHOST IN THE GAZEBO, OCTOBERLAND, LEVIATHAN #3, OTHERWORLDLY MAINE, and THE SOLARIS BOOK OF NEW FANTASY. My work appears with that of my brother Jeffrey Thomas in PUNKTOWN: SHADES OF GREY and THE SEA OF FLESH AND ASH.  I live with my girlfriend Peggy in a small village in coastal Maine."

Scott just released Fellengrey with Raw Dog Screaming Press on November 26, 2012.

Book Blurb:
As a boy, Hale Privet dreamed of sailing the grey waters of the northern Gantic Ocean aboard a mighty ship of war. But when farm life kept him from the sea, the sea came to him - in the form of Rye Blackbird, the infamous mutineer whose wondrous tales help set Hale on his own path to adventure. And such adventures they are! Villains, mysteries, sea battles and even a cursed island await. Privet's story is part folklore and part fantasy, set in a long-ago time where you might just as easily witness something mystical, as feel the salty spray of the sea on your face. FELLENGREY is a bedtime story for grown-ups, complete with pirates, ghosts, magic spells and, of course, a beautiful maiden to capture the dashing hero's heart. Author Scott Thomas lyrically creates a world that is visceral and treacherous, but also lovely and familiar. (end)

Fellegrey can be found on Amazon and Raw Dog Screaming Press website.  Scott's short stories can be found on Dark Region Press website, Down East Books website, and Amazon.  Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hilary, Thank you so much for having me for an interview. I had fun, and you've done a great job in presenting this!


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