
Monday, October 8, 2012

Review Day: Primal

It's Review Day!!!!!!!!!

Title: Primal
Author: D.A. Serra
Rating: 3 Stars

Book Blurb:
The most dangerous place on Earth is between a mother and her child…

With everything at stake – what are you capable of? What if the worst happens and you’re not a policeman, a soldier, or a spy with weapons training and an iron heart? What if you’re a schoolteacher – a mom? In this gritty crime thriller a family vacation takes a vicious turn when a fishing camp is invaded by four armed men. With nothing except her brains, her will, and the element of surprise on her side, Alison must learn to kill or watch her family die.

And then, things get worse..

My Review:
Primal is a thriller in the best sense.  It lives up to the book description very well - you never want to get between a mother and her child.  The characters were intriguing - especially Jimmy and Ben.  The chapters are divided in the beginning between multiple different story-lines that eventually meet up into one story.  I enjoyed seeing how the stories connected together into one big story - it was also fun trying to figure out how that would happen.

I'm giving this book 3 stars because it was a little predictable after the first 5-6 chapters.  Once I knew the characters and understood the plot even a little, I knew what could happen.  I wish there was more mystery involved.  I really enjoyed the thrills and the plot though!  This is a great read whenever you want a thriller that won't scare the pants off you, but is still good.

About the author, D. A. Serra:
Deborah Serra was a screenwriter for twenty years and recognized by the Writer’s Guild for her long term continuous employment. She has written ten TV movies, four feature films, and numerous TV episodes including two years as a staff writer for NBC. She worked for top producers, directors, and actors. She has taught writing at the University of California, San Diego, Wofford College and at writers’ conferences nationwide. Serra has now turned her attention to novels, and she was honored as a recent recipient of the prestigious Hawthornden Literary Fellowship, and as a semi-finalist for the William Faulkner-William Wisdom Creative Writing Award given by the Faulkner Society in New Orleans, LA.

Follow the rest of the Primal blog tour on D.A.'s website here!  Happy Review Day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking part in the tour. I'm glad you enjoyed the book.


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