
Monday, October 29, 2012

Review Day and Read-a-long: Owlet

It's Review Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have an excerpt from the book as part of the review - a read-a-long excerpt - and a giveaway!

Title: Owlet
Author: Emma Michael
My Rating: 5 stars

Book Blurb:
Somewhere between falling and flying… there is a girl.

Iris has a secret. She lost her memory eight years ago and never told a living soul. After an asthma attack one night she finds out that her dreams of a strange house on a snowy island may be a memory resurfacing but the more she learns about the past the more she realizes the life she has been living is a lie. As the façade her father has built starts to crumble around her she will have to decide which means more to her; the truth or her life.

LOVE this cover!
My Review:
*Warning - some spoilers contained in this review.*
I absolutely love this book.  This is an adorable novel about Iris and her secret family history/life.  The story had some of the most unique characters and back-stories in young-adult books.  I loved how each character was a specific species of bird, had a whole story behind their name and family, was a piece of the *lost memory* puzzle, and so much more (I don't want to give away too much).  Emma Michael did a great job of weaving the back-story into the present day story, I loved the mix!

I can't seem to pick out just a couple things about this novel that are the best.  The entire novel is just that good.  The romance between Iris and Falcon, her life-long mate, the hidden story, the should/shouldn't she trust her family conflict, and the subtle twists.  I absolutely loved and connected with the characters as well.  They were perfect for the story and couldn't have been better.  The evil villain(s) were an excellent mix between insane and creepy, the best kind of evil villain(s) in a book.

Anyone who loves modern-day fairytales  with half-human and half-creatures, or TV shows such as Grimm or Once Upon a Time, will love this novel.  Emma Michael balanced the creature/human world incredibly well - both felt so real.  I felt like I could go to the island and meet all of these people!   I highly recommend this book for anyone (over age 12) looking for a YA novel with a little romance, a little mystery, and a little fairytale.

Random thought - I now want to fly.  I want to turn into a half human-half bird and learn to fly!  But...since I don't think that will happen...I think I'll settle for a replica necklace of Iris's. ;)

Read-a-long excerpt:

“But I have never heard of it before. I have never read any books with someone named Iris as the main character unless it was from mythology. Is there a book like that upstairs with the others?” Iris got up and headed back to the staircase.

“Iris...wait.” Diana motioned to the bench and Iris sat down again, looking out the window. “Your father still feels that you should wait until he is here to read those books. He’s planning on coming as soon as he can but someone is at the house right now, and he has to wait until he leaves before joining us.”

“He has someone at the house?” Iris’ jaw dropped. “At our house?”

“Yes. It is someone from his past who wanted to check up on him.” Diana was still looking for something in particular out the window.

“He...didn’t want me there? Is that why he sent me away?”

“No, it is nothing like that. If anything, it is the opposite. He really despises the man but he made a promise a long time ago to your mother, and he’s keeping it by letting the man see him there.”

“What promise?”

To protect you at all costs. He sent you away to protect you.


To read more of the book, you can purchase it from...
About Emma MIchael:
Emma Michaels is the author of the ‘A Sense of Truth’ and ‘Society of Feathers’ series. Her goal with her latest YA novel 'Owlet' is to give others what she did not have growing up; a strong female protagonist with asthma.  While her previous aspiration was to be a lady knight she realized that not being able to run more than a few feet might become a hindrance so turned to writing instead. Her day jobs include being a cover artist, marketing consultant and silk screen designer.

As the founder of The Writers Voice blog ( she loves to connect authors and readers. As a book blogger turned author, she was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, until she moved at eighteen to Washington State. Suddenly, the world was a new place filled with tall green trees that reached further for the sky with every moment, making her want to do the same. Ever since, she has tried to make her life something new and different from what it was before, pursuing her future career, setting high goals and reaching for them. With the support of her fiancé, Chihuahua, and her amazing blog followers and fellow bloggers, she wants to prove to the world that anything is possible and help inspire fellow literary lovers to reach for their dreams.

Enter the giveaway using the form below.  The winners will be announced by Tribute Books!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Review Day!


  1. Hilary, I'm so glad you enjoyed Emma's story. Your review means the world to us. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm and support for 'Owlet' - we appreciate it!

  2. This book looks great! I love the cover and excerpt. Thank for the chance to win!
    -Brooke Banks


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