
Friday, October 5, 2012

Kindle Quick Tip: Updates!

Today's Quick Tip is... keep your Kindle up to date!  Updating your Kindle refers to only the software.  If you keep your Kindle up to date, it will run at it's best.  Often the updates are created to fix minor problems or add in something extra, like real page numbers, that make having a Kindle even better.  To see if your device needs to be updated, simply follow these steps...

  1. Turn on your Kindle.
  2. Enable the WiFi or 3G (allow any downloading to finish before continuing to step 3 if you have ebooks to download)
  3. Click "Menu" or open the Menu
  4. Scroll down and click on or click on "settings"
  5. Open the "Menu" again
  6. Scroll down/click on "Update Your Kindle" if the words are black; if the words are gray or not able to be clicked on, you have the latest updates.
See! It's that simple!  Once the update finishes, you will have the latest software on your Kindle.  There's one more way to check to see if you have an update available.  Simply go to this website - - and click on the Kindle that you have.  It will then tell you if there is a new update for that device.  Happy Updating!

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