
Monday, September 24, 2012

The Red Serpent Trilogy!

Welcome to The Red Serpent Trilogy blog tour!  Today I have a chapter 1 excerpt, a giveaway, and the extended book description!  Follow the entire tour by clicking here.

“The evils of the World in which Anaxagoras shall come will be caused by the unworthy people of the world. Our race shall come unto the Earth and bravely wage war with them . . .”

In 2021, the Vampires attacked Earth and decimated the human population. After a fierce and bloody battle, war commander John Howe led the forced evacuation of the humans to the gigantic orbiting space station Regnum, and the human refugees have been there ever since.

Then one day, General Howe’s orphan nephew, Alexander, uncovers a terrible secret about his past — and that he may be the subject of prophesy.

“Two decades later, a new kind of evil, a Falsifier, shall come unto the Earth . . .”

The boy’s world is turned upside down when Gareng, the Vampiric General, reveals his own family ties to Alexander. As the two grow closer, Gareng begins to question the wisdom of his people waging Vampiric war on the humans. But Gareng’s own son will stop at nothing to seize control and eliminate the humans once and for all . . .

“There will be a second coming of Anaxagoras, when the sun is blocked by the moon . . .”

After learning his true origins, Alexander finds himself in an impossible situation: he must choose whether his allegiance lies with his mother’s people, or with his father’s — and condemn the other to certain doom.

“In the End of Days, the Falsifier shall challenge Anaxagoras for the fate of the world...”

But migra is thicker than water, and as Alexander embraces his role as Falsifier, he begins to hope that there could be another way.

Can Alexander forge a peace between the two warring factions — could he and Gareng ever convince the Vampires to agree — or will prophecy reach its bloody final chapter as Earth is plunged again into unrelenting war?

Chapter 1 Excerpt:
Blessed Mother and Child
The year 2025
It was past young Alex's bedtime and his mother came by his room to tuck him in. He said to his mother, "Mom, since it's my birthday, will you tell me a story, please?"

"Yes, dear, I will," she said sweetly to him, patting his back as he lay down on his bed, and she tucked him in. "This is a legend about a world different from ours. It was a world filled with people like us, and was bigger than the Monolith of Faith, and had a great big round shape."

Alex's eyes widened; he had never known of anything bigger than the Monolith of Faith. It was the largest monument in his world.

"It had large amounts of water, which separated places as big as our world. The people there were many, who dwelled in peace and harmony, until one day flying humans, the vampires, killed them and took over their world."

"Mommy," interrupted Alex, "What are vampires?"

"They're these monstrous creatures, who have long teeth and—"

"As long as my teeth?"

"No, even longer." Alex was perplexed. Everyone at his school made fun of him because of his long teeth, but now he was amazed that there were people who had longer teeth than his. Unfortunately, such people existed only in his mother's myths and legends, not in real life. "Anyway, they also were able to use powers, which burned the trees, and kill humans by drinking their blood."

"Wait a minute, what are trees?" he asked in confusion.

"They are like O2s*," answered Minerva.

"Are they still alive?" asked Alex curiously.

"Yes, they are," said his mother, with anger and sadness in her eyes.

"What happened to the other humans?"

"Go to bed, it is too late now," she said in a hushed voice, and then kissed him on the forehead.

* In Alex's world, the trees were given a special name due to their extraordinary properties.

Enter the giveaway using the form below.  There will be one winner.

Congratulations to Pereza M!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Author Rishabh Jain:
Rishabh Jain was born in India. He is currently a mechanical engineering student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Keep up with Rishabh and The Red Serpent Trilogy on the official website, Facebook and the blog.  Happy Blog Tour Day!


  1. Hilary, thanks for featuring these vampires on your blog :)

  2. This is a great giveaway. Thank you for posting it. Vampires are always a plus with me :D

  3. What book am I currently reading? I'm reading a few actually. I just started "Taking the Dead" by Annie Wells today. It's starting out very well.

    This also looks like a great read by the way :) Thanks for hosting great giveaways


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