
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

ANSA #35

Welcome everyone to the thirty-five Authors Not-So-Anonymous weekly meeting!! This weekly series is about authors from Twitter and Facebook!  This week, I would like to introduce Gwynneth White into Authors Not-So-Anonymous!

Gwynneth White is from South Africa, has a degree in African History and Politics, is a mother, a wife and full time writer.  She is a fiction and non-fiction author who is currently writing YA fantasies and co-writing a travel memoir with her husband.  "I’ve been telling myself stories for as long as I can remember, but it was only in my teens that I started writing my first novel.  I never finished it.  But the love of writing didn’t leave me. So over the years I’ve written advertising copy and corporate training manuals.  Dead boring, trust me.  I also co-authored two non-fiction travel books.  Then four years ago inspiration struck, and I started writing a series of fantasy young adult book.  I haven’t stopped."

Gwynneth draws her inspiration from the Bible.  "Strangely, I find a great deal of inspiration from scripture. Those dusty old biblical people are so real to me, and the dilemmas they face so universal.  It’s very easy for me to translate those challenges into a modern setting, using ordinary people like us to carry my stories. Does that mean I am a religious writer? Definitely not."

Jane Austen fans will love Gwynneth.  She's a true Persuasion girl at heart.  "My current favourites include Pathfinder, by Orson Scott Card. (I was transported away on the sheer genius of that book) I also recently enjoyed Under A Never Sky by Veronica Rossi.  My all time favorites are Persuasion by Jane Austen and The Hobbit by Tolkien."

With the release tour currently running, Gwynneth has finished and is ready to release her first novel Pledged.  The first book in the Soul Wars Saga Trilogy.  Here's a little blurb from Pledged...

Everyone has a soul mate. But what do you do when your soul mate would rather give his soul to the demons than be with you?

Seventeen-year-old Erin has a problem. Seth has been hers forever, but now an ancient promise is tearing him away. And Reuel, the demon to whom the promise was made, will stop at nothing to force Seth to forsake Erin and to worship him.

How can Erin win against a pledge so binding that it has damned countless others to the same fate she and Seth will face if Reuel wins – an eternity alone?

The answer lies in the past. To find it, Erin and Seth must risk all, travelling back in time to a dangerous world where love is forbidden, and life – and death – hang on a promise.

Follow Erin and Seth as they travel to ancient Shenaya to break the pledge that has plagued their families for millennia. Caught in a war between the Angelic Guardians and the Gefallen, the disembodied dead, they must fight to keep their souls in tact and their love untainted. (end)

Become friends with Gwynneth and follow her on - Twitter (@GwynnethWhite), Facebook, Goodreads, or her blog.  Have an author to nominate?  Send me a message via Twitter (#ANSA), Facebook, or leave a comment with the author(s) name and contact information.  I'd love to add new members!  Happy Reading!

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