
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

ANSA #34

Welcome everyone to the thirty-fourth Authors Not-So-Anonymous weekly meeting!! This weekly series is about authors from Twitter and Facebook!  This week, I would like to introduce Lorena Bathey into Authors Not-So-Anonymous!

Lorena Bathey is the mother of four, has three grandchildren, photographer, and a women's fiction self-published author.  "I can barely keep up typing as fast as the story wants to come out.  I believe that's what happens when you follow your passion and do what you really love. It's a risky business and it's a lot of hard work to not only write the stories but get them out where people can see them. But I know that I am doing exactly what I love to do.  The beauty of that is my creative kids see that it's important.  They now feel free to be creative now and to aspire to be avant guard and creative in the paths they are starting for their own lives.  It makes me happy to see that."

She began writing in 2004 with a memoir.  "I wrote my memoir, Happy Beginnings: How I Became My Own Fairy Godmother. It was what I call the 'real' woman's Eat, Pray, Love because I did go to Italy, but only for 10 days.  That book really began my writing career because I wrote for women who had found themselves lost in their roles and wanted to find out WHO they were."  In 2010, Lorena began writing Beatrice Munson - a novel about women who are stuck in their mundane routines change when they meet a ray of sunshine who lives a life full of wonder.

Lorena gets her writing inspiration from her characters and the sheer happiness of writing.  "Usually I get a character in my head and they kinda live there until I start writing about them.  But I write because I love it.  It is when I am happy."  Her favorite authors and books include - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Katherine, To Kill a Mockingbird, Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich, and Stephen King.

Lorena's newest novel, House on Plunkett Street, came out in April, 2012.
Phoebe Bertram is boring, bland, and unexciting. She works a job that is inadequate of her abilities. She has a boyfriend that is a dud. She is on the treadmill of her life and doesn’t know how to get off.  

With changes in her job and her apartment going condo, she must find a new place to live. Her friend Meghan brings her to the perfect apartment and the moment Phoebe steps in the door she knows there is something atypical about this perspective residence.

What she never expects are the three ghosts that arrive on her couch to teach her how life is really meant to be lived. (end)

She is currently finishing up her next novel that will be out within the next few weeks titled The X, that is a thriller.

Clarissa Hadonfield had it all. She lived in a lovely home surrounded by affluent intellectuals, had a successful husband, and two phenomenal teenage boys.

With the ring of a doorbell she finds her life substituted by one where she has to fight for her children with an evil she never knew existed and had been sleeping next to for the last twenty years.

When Clarissa's X shows his true colors, she finds she must become a strong woman who cannot only grow prize-winning flowers but can place a devastating roundhouse kick. Teaming up with Bryce Brightman, an ex-FBI agent, she uncovers a woman whose only goal is to save her children.

This story is about what a woman can do when she put her brains, her brawn, and her boots into changing the course of her life and protecting the ones she loves. (end)

Connect with Lorena on Twitter or her website.  Have an author to nominate?  Send me a message via Twitter (#ANSA), Facebook, or leave a comment with the author(s) name and contact information.  I'd love to add new members!  Happy Reading!

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