
Friday, August 3, 2012

28 days and counting!

  In less than 28 days, something so unbelievably incredible will be happening you just don't want to miss it!

Novel d'Tales will be turning ONE YEAR OLD!! *annnddddd cue fireworks*

And since I thank everyone myself enough, I have asked some very important and special people to help me!  The events will be held on September 1st and 2nd.

September 1
  • Welcome to Novel d'Tales Blog Anniversary post
  •  Prizes galore!
  • Twitter Hangman, Scavenger hunts
  • Twitter Party
  • Facebook Party
  • Tons of fun people to meet and chat with - you don't want to miss this!
 September 2
  • The surprises will continue!
  • Flash giveaways
  • MORE Twitter Hangman!
  • MORE scavenger hunts!
  • MORE Twitter and Facebook parties!
Tons of fun people to meet and chat with! Want to participate in the event?  Email me for more information!  There are several ways you can participate, plus you will benefit!

The event times will vary, but I will inform you on Twitter, Facebook and here the weekend of so you can participate.  If you don't have a Twitter or Facebook account, but still wish to participate, don't worry!  There will be plenty of opportunities for you to participate here on Novel d'Tales without the use of social media sites.

Follow me on Twitter - @HilyBee
Follow me on Facebook -  Novel d'Tales many of you will I be seeing there?  Tweet me using #NdTBlogAnniv or #HappyBdayNdT, leave a comment on Facebook, or leave a comment on this post letting me know if you're coming!  Happy Counting Down Day!


  1. I'm late to the news, but how exciting! Congrats on the anniversary, and I plan to be at the celebration in some form.

  2. Thank you Fel! Let me know if you want to participate. :)


Thank you so much for leaving a comment AND for coming by my blog! I will answer you back as soon as I can. Please know that I will not allow anything *spammy* to be published.