
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Authors Not-So-Anonymous Week #24

Welcome everyone to the twenty-fourth Authors Not-So-Anonymous weekly meeting!! This weekly series is about authors from Twitter and Facebook!  This week, I would like to introduce Robert Zimmermann into Authors Not-So-Anonymous!

Robert Zimmermann is a poet, blogger and hangman genius.  His poetry is marketed towards adults, but could benefit a few *mature* teens.  The content leans towards adult though.  Rob began writing in the eleventh grade (2004)... "I’ve continued to fill notebook after notebook for the rest of high school and a little bit my first few years of college.  Over time, though, my output rate slowed and quality seemed to become more important for me.  It was around this time that I finished up my Associates Degree in Humanities and decided to go to another college to get my Bachelors in Creative Writing.  Even though I didn’t write many poems during this time, I feel that what I did write are the best pieces of my life.  My writing was drastically helped by my schooling and I work toward bettering myself with each line that goes on the paper."  

His writing inspiration comes mostly from life, but also from a few poets and past professors.  Rob's blog, A Life Among the Pages, also contains book reviews.  These reviews change his favorite book list drastically on a weekly basis.  "A few have stood out over others at times for various reasons, but at the end of the day it’s the experience of reading that is all that matters to me."

Rob's poetry can be found on his blog and on Albany  I highly recommend checking them out!  He's working on a collection of poetry right now. 

Here's a little message from Rob: 
"Although my writing might not be the cheeriest thing to read, I’m a pretty interesting guy in real life. It’s not an act either. Life is fun and should be treated as such. If you get to know me, you’ll see what I’m talking about. I enjoy trying to brighten everyone’s day and getting to know people. I’m a bit of a loner at times, but that’s because being so awesome and social can wipe a person out."

"If that’s not enough, I have a really cute dog!  He won’t let me forget to tell everyone about him.  He ran out of the woods last August and I gave him a safe and loving home to live in.  I’ve always wanted to have a dog and I couldn’t ask for a better friend than the one I have now." (awww!! Such a happy story!) 

Follow Rob on Twitter, Facebook, and on his blog A Life Among the Pages.  Have an author to nominate?  Send me a message via Twitter or leave a comment with the author(s) name and Twitter name.  I'd love to add new members!  Happy Reading!


  1. Great ANSA! Just re-read some of your poetry, Robert! Fantastic!

  2. Rob is AWESOME!!! I highly recommend everyone check out his blog and his poetry. He's also one of the most supportive twitter-ers I know. Definitely worth following Rob; he's entertaining!!

  3. Jason and Becca - Thank you for stopping by!! :D Rob IS fantastic! He is absolutely hilarious on Twitter and his poetry is very deep but good. I also love reading his blog!


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