
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Authors Not-So-Anonymous Week #22

Welcome everyone to the twenty-second Authors Not-So-Anonymous weekly meeting!! This weekly series is about authors from Twitter and Facebook!  This week, I would like to introduce Deanna Julbe into Authors Not-So-Anonymous!

Deanna Julbe is a poetry and aspiring children's author.  She began writing at the young age of 13 by keeping a journal of poems.  Her book, Speak Your Heart, is a collection of the poems from her journal.  Deanna's favorite books include The Wager by Tony Forgione, A Death That Lingers by Kaylie Newell, and The Panama Girl (Novelette series) By Bonita Mariano.

"My sister would write these beautiful poems and I loved how I felt when I read them. I wanted to make other people feel this way. That same year I moved to Florida with my parents and younger brother. Moving to what seemed like the country compared to my hometown in Queens, NY. Poetry became my escape from reality and my only means of survival in my teenage eyes. Writing poetry then became more than just writing my emotions. I use my poetry to touch hearts, inspire emotions and to make people feel like they are not alone. My readers can connect with more than one of my poems in some way."

"I love writing and I enjoy bringing a personal touch to anything I can with my poetry. It’s easy to forget how much sentiment can change the duration of our relationships. I want to make an impression on your heart. So as always I say “Stay blessed and inspired” and never be afraid when you Speak Your Heart."
(description from Deanna's website)
Original poems comprise the heart of Speak Your Heart. This wonderful compilation includes poetry both happy and sad, but nonetheless, all the poems are inspiring.

Deanna M. Julbe speaks from her heart and hopes others will also be so inspired. She includes poems from her teen years, love poems and inspirational poems to name a few. “I hope they inspire you to speak your heart.”  She adds, “Poetry is raw emotion, words that you may never say out loud or share.” Be thankful she has chosen to share and advises everyone to Speak Your Heart.

Purchase a copy of Speak Your Heart on Amazon, Barnes&Noble or ,to get a signed copy, on Deanna's website.  Have an author to nominate?  Send me a message via Twitter or leave a comment with the author(s) name and Twitter name.  I'd love to add new members!  Happy Reading!


  1. "Speak your heart" is the backbone of poetry. It brings a smile to your face and prepares you for your day. Deanna you inspire me! Thanks for your courage to publish the words from your heart.

  2. Thank you for stopping by! Isn't Deanna amazing!? :D

  3. I first heard of Deanna and "Speak Your Heart" from the giveaway held on this blog back in May.

    I'm intrigued to read the book. I'll have to order it one of these days. Do you happen to be trying to get it made into an ebook format? I'm interested to see a fellow poet's views on ebook poetry. I'm on the fence with it, though it's more affordable for readers.

    Thanks for sharing more about Deanna with us!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment AND for coming by my blog! I will answer you back as soon as I can. Please know that I will not allow anything *spammy* to be published.