
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Authors Not-So-Anonymous Week #21

Welcome everyone to the twenty-first Authors Not-So-Anonymous weekly meeting!! This weekly series is about authors from Twitter and Facebook!  This week, I would like to introduce Jason Gale into Authors Not-So-Anonymous!

Jason Gale is an Australian native, works an IT project manager during the day, and is happily married with children.  He's an author who loves to write in a few different genres, such as urban science fiction, horror, and thriller, catering to the YA and Adult crowds.  Jason turns his dreams into his stories..."I dream a lot, most of my ideas come from dreams.  In 2008, I had an extremely vivid dream which sparked an urge to write it down.  That one scene turned into an entire novel, somewhere around 150,000 words.  I mostly wrote technical bits and bobs for work, having never produced anything of serious tree killing weight since school."

Are you addicted to writing?  "I love to write, its very liberating and there's plenty of fun to be had playing god and messing about with interesting characters.  I find if I don't write I miss it and become all edgy.  I guess I'm hooked!"  His writing inspiration comes from other novels that truly just take him into another world, time, or frame of mind.  Some of Jason's favorite authors are Matthew Reilly, Duncan Lay, Kim Falconer, Mary Victoria, and Clive Cussler.

Jason's short stories and a few excerpts can be found on his blog here.  Jason is absolutely hilarious, loves to meet new people and can talk about books for hours.  I highly recommend that you follow him on his blog, Twitter, or Writers-UniteHave an author to nominate?  Send me a message via Twitter or leave a comment with the author(s) name and Twitter name and the tag #ANSA.  I'd love to add new members!  Happy Reading!

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