
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Authors Not-So-Anonymous Week #17

Welcome everyone to the seventeenth Authors Not-So-Anonymous weekly meeting!! This weekly series is about authors from Twitter and Facebook!  This week, I would like to introduce RG Lawrence into Authors Not-So-Anonymous!

RG (Roger) Lawrence is an author who truly follows his heart and brain.  He lives in Kansas, loves to golf, is a Jayhawk fan, has three children, two grandchildren due in July and has been married for 28 years! (Congraulations!)  "I am an author who writes what is bouncing around in my head. My stories haven’t just appeared, but my characters have.  I can sit down and create a character who I really like, or who I hate, and then the story kind of takes off, with the character (or characters) leading the way. The story is often crafted around the background of the character. It’s a strange process, but that’s how it works."  This unique way of crafting stories makes his characters stand out and makes the story captivating in a way that grabs you and never lets go.

An example of how his characters shape his novels..." In Summer With Fidel, Danny Lester started out in Columbus, Ohio, an abused and sad child. Cuba was never, ever in my thoughts when the book started, but Danny needed to be somewhere where he could find the fostering that a child in crisis needed. He ended up in Cuba. It was a strange trip getting there."  Many of RG's novels have young adults as the main characters.  "I think my books appeal to all ages, with no demographic targeted."

RG has always written something, but realized his true writing passion when writing for a biker's magazine.  "I’ve always been able to sit down and write in some semblance of order.  I could always write a term paper in nothing flat, or write a good short story for my own amusement. 20 years ago, I wrote several short stories that were published in bikers magazines, and that was when I realized that people were moved occasionally by my words."

His writing inspiration comes from his closest family, friends, children and parents.  "Having the public read my work and show their appreciation with comments and reviews is extra…and very much appreciated."  

RG also loves to read a wide array of books - "I read authors, not titles. If I find someone I like, I get everything they have done, and then mourn when I reach the end of the stack. Some of my favorites are WEB Griffen, Lee Child, John Sandford, John Locke, Harlan Coben, Rachel Caine, D.B. Reynolds. Right now I am reading Charles Dougherty and Victoria Limbert, two indies that I think are great."  Do you read authors, not titles?  I've done this before, and really miss it!

Find RG's novels exclusively on Amazon here --> The Circle, Golden Boy, and Summer with Fidel - in both paperback and Kindle ebook.  Connect with RG Lawrence on Twitter @RGLawrence23.

Have an author to nominate?  Send me a message via Twitter or leave a comment with the author(s) name and Twitter name and the tag #ANSA.  I'd love to add new members!  Happy Reading!

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