
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Authors Not-So-Anonymous Week #15

Welcome everyone to the fifteenth Authors Not-So-Anonymous weekly meeting!! This weekly series is about authors from Twitter and Facebook!  This week, I would like to introduce V.L. Locey into Authors Not-So-Anonymous!

V.L. Locey is a adult author and blogger.  She works on her farm with her husband and daughter, takes care of numerous animal children, all the while maintaining her blog and writing career.  V.L. is a very talented writer, with a hilarious blog and now a brand new book!  Her biggest inspiration is her mother - "She took a floral arrangement class well into her sixties simply because it was something she had always wanted to do, but, raising three kids hadn`t left her time to do so before.  When the writing bug bit me and my daughter was in school, I remembered this about my mother, who passed several years ago, and decided to push ahead with this love of writing.  So yeah, Mom, this is for you.  Thanks for showing me that it`s never too late in life to do what you love."

Some V.L.'s favorite authors are J.R. Ward, Rick Riodan, J.K. Rowling and Edith Hamilton.  "I`m a rabid reader, love to write, adore Greek mythos, coffee, Marvel comics, playing X-Box games, am secretly (or not so secretly) in love with the boys on ‘Big Bang Theory’ and enjoy spending time with my family and our critters." An author after many of our hearts, VL is such a sweet woman and talented author.

PhotobucketV.L.'s book Of Gods and Goats just released on April 6, 2012.  This is the first book in the trilogy.  Here is an excerpt from her novel:

Thank you,” I said again. His fingers were tugging at the cover as he balled his fingers into a fist that could drop Godzilla. “I have some questions,” I added and pulled slightly to keep my chest covered. Not that he hadn`t seen all I had to show already but, you know, a woman has to have some modesty, right?

“I would be surprised if you did not,” he responded tightly. “Ask and I shall attempt to answer your queries, but first you must eat. Would you wish for me to feed you?”

I blinked at him for a moment in surprise then shook my head.

”No, I think I can manage to chew but thanks,” I muttered then looked down at where his arm was stretched across my stomach. “If you move that I can sit up and eat,” I pointed while Argus rose up on his back feet to check out the milk pitcher with very greedy feline eyes. Ares and I both lunged for the glass container at the same time as my cat reached up to dunk his paw into it. Ares` hand slapped down over mine on the handle as I rolled into his side. And then we sat there like a couple of drunken toads on a log.

I could see so much in his eyes in that moment: Hope and despair and fear and strength, eons of misery and laughter, anger and pleasure. All of that was there, and yet something was missing. I felt my blanket slipping downward but I couldn`t do a damned thing to stop it. I was too wrapped up in those godly eyes of his to care.

“You are a very special woman, Libby Simons,” he grunted as if the admission had cost him dearly. I made some sort of goofy sound then leaned forward slightly. I will swear on a stack of the Iliad or whatever it is Greek gods swear on, that my gesture was to make sure the pitcher didn`t hit the floor. I would swear and then I would be tossed into the Olympic jail for perjury. The real reason I drifted closer to him was because he was moving towards me and I really, really, REALLY wanted to taste his lips. (end)

oh look! A video!

Of Gods and Goats can be purchased on Smashwords in ebook format OR from the Of Gods and Goats site in paperback.  Follow V.L. Locey on Twitter, Facebook , Goodreads, and her blog Thoughts from A Yodeling Goatherder.

Have an author to nominate?  Send me a message via Twitter or leave a comment with the author(s) name and Twitter name and the tag #ANSA.  I'd love to add new members!  Happy Reading!


  1. Thanks so much for inviting me to be here, Hilary! I`m honored to be a Not-So-Anonymous' author! =)

  2. Great interview. I'm sure your mom is proud of you. I'm enjoying the book!

  3. You're very welcome VL! :D Thank you too for being part of the club!

    Michele - Thank you for stopping by!


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