
Monday, February 20, 2012

Review Day: Secrets: Guardian Trilogy Book 1

Today's review is......

Title: Secrets: Guardian Trilogy Book 1
Author: Liz Schulte
My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

(description from Amazon)
While Olivia Martin observed life through her camera, the abyss gazed back at her. She discovers mysterious men follow her around, people close to her are dying, and her dreams are no longer her own as she falls head over heels for a perfect stranger. A chance encounter leads to an obsession that could destroy everything she has ever known or loved. Olivia is about to find out there is a lot she doesn't know and sometimes what you don't know can kill you.

From the first chapter I was hooked.  I loved the characters, the mystery behind it all and was completely intrigued by the story line.  I had to know what was going to happen!  The characters are come alive and make you care about them.   Almost everyone can find something they like about this story with the mixture of so many different genres - mystery, fantasy, romance, chic-lit, action, thriller, art.  The ending left me with a cliff hanger into book 2, but one that has me guessing what can come next.  One so intense that my heart was pounding!  I can't wait to get book 2!!

Why only 4.5 stars?  There were a few questions that were left unanswered for me.  I'm anxious to see if my questions are answered in the next two books (based on the book descriptions they will be).

Pick up book 1 at Smashwords (for any eReader) or at Amazon. 

 Happy Review Day!!

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