
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Authors Not-So-Anonymous Week #6

Welcome everyone to the sixth Authors Not-So-Anonymous weekly meeting!! This weekly series is about authors from Twitter and Facebook!  This week, I would like to introduce Heidi Ruby Miller into Authors Not-So-Anonymous!

Heidi Ruby Miller is a speculative fiction author and is married to Jason Jack Miller, another author.  "I write stories where the relationships are as important as the adventure. I love high-heeled shoes, action movies, Chanel, loud music, and video games.  I especially like writing SFR (Science Fiction Romance), like my novels AMBASADORA and GREENSHIFT ."  She started writing in 2005, when she started graduate school at Seton Hill University.  " When I hear other writers say that you can't be taught to write, I know they aren't talking about me because I believe Seton Hill made me the writer I am today."

Dreaming and daydreams provide Heidi with the majority of her inspiration.  "I daydream with the best of them!  Most of the time when I'm not writing, that's what I'm doing.  I've dreamt two entire novels that I have yet to write--though I was sure to get down the outline and preserve the mood of each upon waking."

Click here to buy Ambasadora!
She loves to read just as much as she loves to write.  Her favorite novels are - A WRINKLE IN TIME by Madeleine L'Engle, DON'T STOP THE CARNIVAL by Herman Wouk, 2010 by Arthur C. Clarke, RELIC by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, CHILDREN OF SCARABAEUS by Sara Creasy, NEVERWHERE by Neil Gaiman, WORLD WAR Z by Max Brooks, and THE DEVIL AND PRESTON BLACK by Jason Jack Miller.

"I self-published my novel AMBASADORA because the market is changing for full-length fiction.  And as I'm ready to release GREENSHIFT , another book in the Ambasadora-verse, I'm happy I went the self-pub route.  I love the process, including working with cover artist Byron Winton of Urbanite by Design.  I feel like it's a true collaboration between us.  He's read my work, knows my world, my characters, and certainly knows how to bring a scene to life!"

GREENSHIFT just released on Valentine's day <3 
As our V-day gift to you.... TWO lucky people will be winning one of two prizes!!
Click *home* (use the tab above) to be taken to the giveaway.

Excerpt from GREENSHIFT

As the performers paraded by, David watched the delight shining in Mari's face. "You're beautiful."

The compliment captured her attention. He took the opportunity to bend down and kiss her. The wonderful citrusy notes of her scentbots mixed with the sweet smell of chocolate and strawberry layer cake and night-blooming water lilies on the edge of the bay. He moved his mouth over hers gently, testing her reaction. She responded a little shyly, barely parting her lips, but her hand slid up his chest to caress his face.

The innocence of the moment impacted David more than he expected. The way she slowly explored his mouth, first with her lips, then small darts with the tip of her tongue revealed how much this pleasant action meant to her. His heart pounded faster with the realization. After all these years, all the women he'd touched, none took the time to enjoy a simple kiss as much as Mari did. He, too, had taken the intimacy for granted until this instant.

The shrill and boom of fireworks filled the night air as if celebrating David and Mari's moment. He felt Mari smile beneath his lips and opened his eyes to see her peeking up at a golden flower of sparks lighting the blue-black sky above them.

"Perfect timing," he said against her mouth.
"Perfect," was all she said before slipping back into their kiss, not quite as shy this time.

Find Heidi on Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Twitter (@HeidiRubyMiller), Goodreads or her blog!

Have an author to nominate?  Send me a message via Twitter or leave a comment with the author(s) name and Twitter name.  I'd love to add new members!  Don't forget to enter the giveaway! Good luck and Happy Wednesday!!


  1. I'm happy to be here, Hily, to share some things about myself and about GREENSHIFT.

    Thank you for the opportunity!


  2. It was my pleasure to have you Heidi! Thank you! :)


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