
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Authors Not-So-Anonymous Week #4

Welcome everyone to the third Authors Not-So-Anonymous weekly meeting!! This weekly series is about authors from Twitter and Facebook!  This week, I would like to introduce Melissa Pearl into Authors Not-So-Anonymous!

Melissa Pearl is a YA author from Auckland, New Zealand.  She has spent most of her childhood traveling with her parents who were missionaries.  Melissa and her husband spent a year traveling abroad around North America in a Chevy van, "It was the best year of my life."

"I LOVE writing YA.  My Time Spirit Trilogy is paranormal romance and I have another story planned that is in the same genre, but I also have a bunch of stories that are action/thriller romance and some dramatic romance.  Notice the word romance?  I'm a die hard fan of that crazy little thing called love!"

Melissa had her first attempt at a book at the age of twelve.  "At 16, I tried again and my brother's computer ate it.  I was SO upset, I gave up for a while.  Finally at 23, my best friend challenged me to write a book.  I had a great story buzzing in my head and she wanted to read it.  I sat down that night and wrote the first five chapters in one sitting.  I was hooked from that point on."  Melissa's novels receive high ratings on Amazon and Smashwords from readers and fellow authors.

Golden Blood Book 1 - $.99 ebook available for any eReader!

Author S.J. Byrne - "I read this book so fast my head was spinning. Such an easy and engaging read! The characters come to life off the page and burrow down inside your heart right off the bat."

LOOK! She even has a video for Golden Blood!!
A time travelling teenager falls in love with a boy she is not allowed to be with. Unable to resist, she jumps into the unknown and so begins a battle to keep her newfound love alive.

Black Blood Book 2 can be purchased off Amazon and Smashwords.  Book 3, Pure Blood, the final novel in the trilogy is due out in February 2012!

"As a teenager, one of my favorite things to do was lie on my bed reading.  I love that feeling of escaping into a good story where you laugh, cry and fall in love.  When I write, I get that same sensation of being lost in a story.  Time disappears.  I forget my surroundings.  I forget to eat.  That feeling is what inspires me to tap away at the keyboard whenever I get a chance.  That and the idea that maybe my stories are touching a place in someone's heart where they can laugh, cry and fall in love." Melissa truly thinks just like her readers do.  Her passion for writing jumps off the screen when I chat with her.  She inspires me to write more.

Some of Melissa's favorite authors are - Simone Elkeles, Francine Rivers, Ally Carter, Megan Curd, T. G. Ayer, C. M. Keller, and Dee Henderson.  Very true to most avid readers, she had a hard time picking just a few authors she loved the most.

Check out more by Melissa Pearl on her blog, Smashwords and Amazon.  Stop by and say hello to her on Twitter @MelissaPearlG - let her know I sent you!!

Have an author to nominate?  Send me a message via Twitter, email or leave a comment with the author(s) name and Twitter name.  I'd love to add new members!   Happy Authors Not-So-Anonymous Week 4!!


  1. I've read Melissa's books--they're wonderful! I can't wait for the third book to be published.

  2. Thanks so much for a great interview. It was so much fun answering your questions.

    I would love to nominate T. G. Ayer for your Authors Not-So-Anonymous. Her debut novel is due out this month. It's going to rock!!

    Twitter: @TGAyerAuthor

  3. You sound like a lot of fun, Melissa! I looked up your novel and it does sound intriguing. Just bought my copy!

    I'm already following you on Twitter, too. Hilary knows that's where I spend most of my to you there!

    -S.M. Boyce
    Author of The Grimoire: Lichgates
    When Kara opens the Grimoire, she’s thrown into a beautiful world full of terrifying things. Click here to read the first chapter for free.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment AND for coming by my blog! I will answer you back as soon as I can. Please know that I will not allow anything *spammy* to be published.