
Monday, January 30, 2012

My Experience: Book Buying Ban

I decided to put myself on a book buying ban for the month of January to help kick off the TBR challenge.  Let me tell you, this was NOT easy.  I didn't just cut myself off from actual money purchases, but borrowing, loaning and even getting free ebooks.  I know... I know... I'm insane for taking on so much at once. But you know what.. I. LOVED. it.

The challenge really showed me that I don't need to buy ebooks every single day just because they are free.  That it is okay to just read what I already have... AND it showed me that I have a HUGE collection.  When I say huge... I mean gigantic!!  I have over 400 Kindle ebooks!!! Time to joins "eBooks Anonymous" right? heh. I already have...

Second best part about this challenge? I got SO much done this month! I spent WAY more time search other sites and writing and creating and studying and reading and playing fetch with Cazic my dachshund and enjoying my time...instead of sifting through the daily freebies.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE searching for great ebook deals and freebies.  I just think I'm going to dial it back a bit now.

My advice to anyone who decides to try this challenge:
  1. Stick with your ban. Don't give up just because you saw a good deal.  The deal will come back around at some point in time.
  2. Create wish lists and abuse them.  I created TWO three new wish lists. One for ebooks I knew I wanted, and one for ebooks I *might want but just sounded good because I know I can't buy it*.  heh. annddd one for ebook recommendations.
  3. Go for a ban of everything - including free books/ebooks, purchasing for other people, everything.  Don't just say "I won't spend money on more books." Simply don't buy any books.
  4. Become friends with your local library or Kindle users! Don't have a large selection at home or on your Kindle? Make friends with someone else who has a Kindle in your country OR start visiting your local library more often.
Buying bans are a great way to show you how much you really are spending on something in one month.  Give it a shot! Let me know if you do! I'd love to hear how it goes. Happy Second to Last Day of January 2012!


  1. Very cool. I'm glad you got so much done :)

    I have a HUGE list of books to read and have promised myself I won't buy or borrow anymore until I have gotten through them. At the rate I read... it could be a while :)

  2. Sounds good.

    The feeling I get on Kindle is that a lot of people are buying books and then never reading them. When you buy real books they all pile up and you think you must really get around to reading them before the house splits at the seams. But with Kindle they are all hidden inside the little machine and you don't notice them build and build.

    I also asked some of the people who brought my novel how they were enjoying it, as they said they brought it because they couldn't wait to read the story, and they said they hadn't had time to start it yet or it is at the back of a long line :(

  3. Stephen - it does seem to be that way. I do "buy" a ton of books, but I also read just as many as I buy. I read over 250 ebooks last year, that's more than I have ever read in one year before. Most of the books I buy are free though. I do own a ton of ebooks that I haven't read yet on my Kindle. It's definitely easier to "forget" about them, but I still feel bad when I remember.


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