
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Authors Not-So-Anonymous Week #3

Welcome everyone to the third Authors Not-So-Anonymous weekly meeting!! This weekly series is about authors from Twitter and Facebook!  This week, I would like to introduce CM Keller  into Authors Not-So-Anonymous!

CM Keller lives in Tennessee.  She began writing at the age of twelve - "I dragged a typewriter up into the attic to write. The moment I saw my words printed on a page, I was hooked. Although, part of the emotional charge I got that day may have come from the lightning bolt that struck a tree next to the window where I was typing."  She has self-published a YA novel, Screwing Up Time, and is writing a sequel to be released this year.

Enter to win a copy of Screwing Up Time here! One lucky person will be selected on February 2, 2012! Closed

Mark Montgomery is a slacker content with his life. He’s a senior at New Haven Prep, has a great friend, and after graduation he’ll get a brand new sports car from his parents, assuming he stays out of trouble. Then, she comes into his life—Miranda with her I-just-escaped-from-a-Renaissance-Fair clothing. Only, she hasn’t. She has come from Bodiam Castle in the Middle Ages and demands a secret ingredient and a book of recipes for traveling through the treacherous colors of time. Although Mark has never even heard of either before, he must find them, or Miranda will die. To save her, Mark must break into a psych hospital to visit his grandfather who once tried to kill him, pass through the colors of time, take on a medieval alchemist, prevent Miranda’s marriage to a two-timing baron, and keep it all hidden from his parents. The sports car is definitely in trouble.

A Screwing Up Time short story will be available this spring!

"I don’t wait until I’m inspired or I’d get nothing written—I’d much rather eat chocolate and read. But my computer background is a Jack London quote, which says, 'You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club.' "  Why wait for inspiration to come when you can make your own?  Very, well...inspiring. heh.  

One of the things (shown left) that inspired CM Keller's plot in Screwing Up Time was her poison ring! How awesome it that! Go read about it here.

Some of CM Keller's favorite authors are - Jane Austen, Jasper Fforde, and Eoin Colfer (Artemis Fowl is her favorite character!).  "I think it would be easier to pick a favorite star in the sky" - Choosing a favorite author or novel is so difficult!

Stop by and say hello to CM Keller on her blog or TwitterHave an author to nominate?  Send me a message via Twitter or leave a comment with the author(s) name and Twitter name.  I'd love to add new members!  Happy Authors Not-So-Anonymous Week 3!!

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