
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Review Day: Legacy Universe

Banner made by Travis at ProCovers and author Martin Perry
**This review will be a little different. I am reviewing a fan club and a novel.**

The LURC is the Legacy Universe Reader's Club.  This club is for those who read the Legacy-Universe novels or people who want to read them.

Legacy-Universe is a series of science fiction novels that are captivating, well written, and outstanding.  The novels do an absolutely phenomenal job of making the reader believe he/she is actually on the planet with the characters.  Keep reading for a mini-review on Gentle Reminders (book one).

Members of LURC you get some perks. Go ahead.. tell someone you're part of LURC and see how awesome it sounds. (ahem..) Hilary LURC, CPC, Blogger extrodinaire, Kindle addict.... See!? Awesome.
  1. Lifetime 25% discount on ALL Legacy Universe novel releases which you can share with friends and family!
  2. Lifetime free Legacy Universe short story releases!
  3. Your name with a dedication or your choice of non-offensive URL (your book, your blog, your whatever) in ALL future Legacy Universe releases on the special LURC credits pages.
  4. Newsletters/Emails from Martin Perry (author) about book releases, discount codes, etc.
What are you waiting for? Go sign up to be an LURC member! Don't forget to check out the rest of the site too.
oh oh oh!! Guess what!!!!  I have discount codes to share!!

Codes for not one but two free short stories:

Legacy Universe: Prize Fighting - XW98U
Legacy Universe: Wandering Man - UQ77R

Go to Smashwords to pick up the ebooks! Just don't forget the codes... Smashwords is compatible with any eReader.

Guess what else!!! It gets even better!!

This week Gentle Reminders, book one in the Rosewell series, is on sale for only $.99 on Amazon! BUT... it is only this week! The promotional sale has ended! However, the ebook only around $4.00, so not bad.  For a mini review on this novel, keep reading!

Mini review for Gentle Reminders (book one):
Gentle Reminders is the first book in a series of seven.  This novel starts out a little slow, but immediately picks up by the end of the first chapter.  The detail, characters and plot really keep you intrigued and wanting more. Normally I am not a die-hard Sci-Fi fan, but I couldn't get enough of this novel.  It is written so well that I felt like I was in the novel.  My heart was pounding during the action *scenes* and my palms got sweaty when the characters found themselves in one crazy predicament after another. The author did an outstanding job of making the other planets extremely vivid and believeable.  I highly recommend this novel to anyone who is looking for a gripping Sci-Fi novel that takes you on a journey through the galaxy.

Book two in the series, Lessons Learned, was just released last week on Tuesday. Stop by Amazon or Smashwords and pick up the novels.  Don't forget to subscribe to the LURC to get newsletters from the author! If you stop by or sign up, make sure to mention I sent you.  Happy Review Day!

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