
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Kindle Owner's Lending Library Review

I have talked about the Lending Library in at least four posts since it was announced... but now that I have actually tried it out, I have a slightly different opinion.  I started a trial Prime membership on Nov. 7th.  I was super excited because I would get to use the Kindle Owner's Lending Library... then the restrictions hit...

You can only get one free/borrowed Kindle book per month.

 I guess I didn't read the fine print well enough at first.  I understand why they added this restriction, but it's not really worth it for me.  Don't get me wrong, it is still a phenomenal program! But....I already get about 4 free ebooks in one day! AND I get to keep them!  I've read over 250 Kindle ebooks in the past year since I've had Dragon/Dragon Too.  At least 90% of those ebooks have been free.  One free ebook per month, no matter how new it is, does not appeal to me.  Read my post titled "How To: Book on a Budget" to learn about how I get so many ebooks for free!

If you don't read as much as I do (if you are a normal person...) then the lending library is still worth it!  I still highly recommend the program as long as you 1) already have a Prime membership or 2) will use the Prime membership for more than just the lending library.

Now if they ever choose to change the program and make it 3-4 free ebooks a month that are newish... I will consider getting the Prime membership again.  So... have you tried out the lending library? If so, what did you think? I'd love to hear about other experiences!  Happy Lending Library Review Day!

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