
Monday, November 28, 2011

How To: Preview First Chapter before Purchasing!

One of the best best best feature Amazon offers their customers is the preview first chapter and search inside a book! I LOVE these features! Honestly they have saved me tons of money and time.  The first chapter can make or break a novel.. If it doesn't catch your attention and hold it.. then why keep reading it right?

Now this ties in with the Web browser that is still in *experimental* on any Kindle before the Touch.  All you have to do is go to the page of the ebook you're considering.  See if it says *preview first chapter* near the *purchase* button.  If so.. I highly recommend clicking it!

To see what I mean go here.  This is the page for 1Q84.  A book I can't wait to get and have even considered purchasing! Shocking I know!  Anyways.. Go to the right hand side of the page.  There is a second box (it's green in the US) under the first blue purchase box.  Within the green box, there is a *read first chapter free* button.  Voila! The first chapter is free!  The only downside is you have to read it on the web.  That's where it ties in to the experimental web browser.  You can do this on your Kindle, it just takes longer and won't look as nice (yet).  I can't wait for the browser to be done!

Happy Preview-ing!

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